Tuesday, December 29, 2020


TWO HUNDRED EPISODES! That's way too many episodes. But here we are, and we wouldn't have made it this far without all of you listeners out there. So along with this episode comes a big THANK YOU to everyone who's kept up with us for the last four years. You're all awesome!

As we've done the last couple years, this episode is a big grab-bag of questions we've been hanging onto for a while without great answers for them. But don't worry, we'll get some fun discussion out of them nonetheless.

And this week's winner of our giveaway for Crit Academy's Unearthed Tips & Tricks: Volume II is Fingers Fate! Congratulations, Fingers Fate! Be sure to leave Crit Academy a review, so they can keep on making great products! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products in the future.

Would YOU like a chance to win a copy of Unearthed Tips & Tricks Volume II? It's a great book (that I helped write!) and all you have to do to win is enter our drawing by sending us an e-mail with "Unearthed Tips & Tricks 2" in the subject line. (Gotta have that 2 in there though!) It's that easy!

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and Ignorance, and the (unfortunately ended) D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's LairJeff Stevens, and The Kind GM!

Thanks for listening to another year of podcasts, and here's to another year!

Episode 200: Another Year Down

RSS Feed Link


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. Are the games you’re good at running different from what you enjoy or the games you assumed you would be good at running?

2. What is your favorite board game?

3. What historical figure would (in your opinion) be a great Dungeon Master?

4. Is there any secret formula to getting accepted into a game on roll20 or finding a good online group?

5. What were times in your campaigns that you were able to make and/or experience a good balance of light-hearted fun and serious tension? 

6. What are some alternatives for when the host of your game cancels but the players and DM still want to play?


Noteworthy Links:

The People's Trivia Company, a thrice-weekly online trivia game that you should go check out!

Mouse Guard, a comic series that was later adapted into a tabletop RPG

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Episode 199: The Houserules Have Become The Game

Hello everyone! We're back again with another fun episode- continuing our trend of covering one meaty question instead of several smaller ones (which isn't a permanent change, don't worry) this week we're discussing homebrew rules- at what point does it stop being D&D? Follow us along this winding path to eventually answering the question as we discuss the issues we have with trying to change the game through homebrew rules.

And this week's winner of our giveaway for Crit Academy's Unearthed Tips & Tricks: Volume II is Sean C! Congratulations, Sean! Be sure to leave Crit Academy a review, so they can keep on making great products! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products in the future.

Would YOU like a chance to win a copy of Unearthed Tips & Tricks Volume II? It's a great book (that I helped write!) and all you have to do to win is enter our drawing by sending us an e-mail with "Unearthed Tips & Tricks 2" in the subject line. (Gotta have that 2 in there though!) It's that easy!

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and Ignorance, and the (unfortunately ended) D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's LairJeff Stevens, and The Kind GM!

Catch you next time, on our TWO HUNDREDTH episode!

Episode 199: Games Have Limits

RSS Feed Link


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. Where do you draw the line on homebrew rules? For example, I played in a group where modifiers didn't exist. How much can you change the rules of D&D before it's not D&D anymore?


Noteworthy Links:

Monster of the Week, the RPG used for The Adventure Zone: Amnesty (which is itself a hack of Powered By The Apocalypse)

I totally found the website for the House-Rules-Heavy campaign I was in! (And if you scroll down about halfway on that link you can find the post made when I had to leave the group.)

Dungeon Coach's Spell Tome-Brew, the supplement Crit Academy covered detailing improved Cantrips

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Episode 198: Vidya Games

Hey listeners! Do you play video games? If so, what are your favorite items and weapons to find in your favorite games? This week we discuss some of ours, and how we would adapt them into a usable format for D&D. We're always open to suggestions, so be sure to let us know some of your thoughts in the comments below!

And this week's winner of our giveaway for Crit Academy's Unearthed Tips & Tricks: Volume II is Alistar the Minotaur! Congratulations, Alistar! Be sure to leave Crit Academy a review, so they can keep on making great products! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products in the future.

Would YOU like a chance to win a copy of Unearthed Tips & Tricks Volume II? It's a great book (that I helped write!) and all you have to do to win is enter our drawing by sending us an e-mail with "Unearthed Tips & Tricks 2" in the subject line. (Gotta have that 2 in there though!) It's that easy!

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and Ignorance, and the (unfortunately ended) D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's LairJeff Stevens, and The Kind GM!

See you next time- or next level...?

Episode 198: Arsenal of Games

RSS Feed Link


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. What are some items from video games you'd like to see in D&D, and what changes would you need to implement to make them work?


Noteworthy Links:

Remembrall, an item from the Harry Potter universe

The Matrix

Tasha's Cauldron of Everything

Master Sword

Leviathan Axe

Poké Balls


Mega Buster

Balder's Gate 3

Chaos Emeralds

Rod of Seven Parts

Portal Gun

Gravity Gun

Greasemonkey's Handbook (featured on an episode of Crit Academy)


Calculator, an advanced job class from Final Fantasy Tactics

d3s are stupid

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Episode 197: They All Look The Same To Me

Hey everyone! To go along with our Social Media discussion question this week, we're spending the whole episode talking about a fun topic: Making an entire adventuring party out of a single class! This definitely ended up being a much deeper vein than we were expecting, so hopefully you all enjoy the ride!

And this week's winner of our giveaway for Crit Academy's Unearthed Tips & Tricks: Volume II is Wilmer P! Congratulations, Wilmer! Be sure to leave Crit Academy a review, so they can keep on making great products! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products in the future.

Would YOU like a chance to win a copy of Unearthed Tips & Tricks Volume II? It's a great book (that I helped write!) and all you have to do to win is enter our drawing by sending us an e-mail with "Unearthed Tips & Tricks 2" in the subject line. (Gotta have that 2 in there though!) It's that easy!

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and Ignorance, and the (unfortunately ended) D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's LairJeff Stevens, and The Kind GM!

Catch you next week, with four others just like me!

Episode 197: Take Five

RSS Feed Link


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. What single classes can make an entire 5 person party?


Noteworthy Links:

Viktor Zsasz

Ring of the Grammarian

Four Corners

Single-Class Challenge

Nigerian Prince Scam

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Episode 196: Cupcake Edition

Hello everyone! We're back with a normal episode this week- and our topics this time around include magic cupcakes, magical allergies, and magically-placed plot details that hint at the overarching story! (That last one might not be magic after all, that's just good storytelling.) Hear our thoughts and share yours below!

And this week's winner of our giveaway for Crit Academy's Unearthed Tips & Tricks: Volume II is Scott T! Congratulations, Scott! Be sure to leave Crit Academy a review, so they can keep on making great products! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products in the future.

Would YOU like a chance to win a copy of Unearthed Tips & Tricks Volume II? It's a great book (that I helped write!) and all you have to do to win is enter our drawing by sending us an e-mail with "Unearthed Tips & Tricks 2" in the subject line. (Gotta have that 2 in there though!) It's that easy!

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and Ignorance, and the (unfortunately ended) D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's LairJeff Stevens, and The Kind GM!

See you next time, if you're not allergic!

Episode 196: It's In The Details

RSS Feed Link


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. Would you ever consider giving a character an allergy to magic (either mechanical or purely for flavor)?

2. How important is it to litter your campaign with subtle clues to the major plot?


Noteworthy Links:

The Chocolate Touch, the story about a boy who gets a Midas-esque curse except it's chocolate (and the kid's name is literally John Midas)

Pop Rocks

Lady Tiefling


Nowhere Man

The X-Files

Sim City 2000


Room of Spirit & Time

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

It's My Birthday Week!

 Hey everyone! We're taking the week off from our normal episodes today, but here's a fun Patreon episode from last year, where I run Jeff through a couple old-school text adventures in quasi-RPG form. Enjoy!

Bonus Episode 8: Action Castle Adventures

If you'd like to try out Parsely Games on your own, you can find them on Memento-mori.com!

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Episode 195: Late, But Not Forgotten

Welcome back everyone! This week we're talking about some alignment-based character ideas, what constitutes a "full" campaign, and we reminisce about some of our favorite gaming stores that have unfortunately been lost to time!

And this week's winner of our giveaway for Crit Academy's Unearthed Tips & Tricks: Volume II is Matthew V! Congratulations, Matthew V! Be sure to leave Crit Academy a review, so they can keep on making great products! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products in the future.

Would YOU like a chance to win a copy of Unearthed Tips & Tricks Volume II? It's a great book (that I helped write!) and all you have to do to win is enter our drawing by sending us an e-mail with "Unearthed Tips & Tricks 2" in the subject line. (Gotta have that 2 in there though!) It's that easy!

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and Ignorance, and the (unfortunately ended) D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's LairJeff Stevens, and The Kind GM!

Catch you next week, listeners!

Episode 195: Dead, But Not Forgotten

RSS Feed Link


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. Let's say you have to make a character for a good party, a neutral party, and an evil party. What are your go-to characters for each?

2. Do you feel that a "full campaign" has to take you to the upper levels?

3. Do you remember any gaming stores that closed down over the years, that you really miss?


Noteworthy Links:

Order of the Stick, a long-running webcomic based around D&D

Red Hand of Doom, a late 3.5-era D&D module

Spawn, a comic book series from Todd McFarlane

Pinball Pete's, an arcade in a college town near us

Shadow Over Mystara, one of the two Capcom Dungeons & Dragons arcade games

D&D: Warriors of the Eternal Sun, a D&D game for the Sega Genesis

The Styes, an old module from Dungeon Magazine (that link is of an Actual Play of that very adventure!) that has apparently a continued legacy in the form of the Ghosts of Saltmarsh book

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Episode 194: It's Your Fault

Hello everyone! Today we have another fun episode- we talk about magical healing, making your players feel guilty, killing off an old character, and much, much more. Enjoy, and share your thoughts down below!

And this week's winner of our giveaway for Crit Academy's Unearthed Tips & Tricks: Volume II is The DM's Council! Congratulations, Council! Be sure to leave Crit Academy a review, so they can keep on making great products! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products in the future.

Would YOU like a chance to win a copy of Unearthed Tips & Tricks Volume II? It's a great book (that I helped write!) and all you have to do to win is enter our drawing by sending us an e-mail with "Unearthed Tips & Tricks 2" in the subject line. (Gotta have that 2 in there though!) It's that easy!

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and Ignorance, and the (unfortunately ended) D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's LairJeff Stevens, and The Kind GM!

See you next time, and I hope you don't regret it!

Episode 194: Invoking Consequences

RSS Feed Link


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. If you heal a wound with magic, does it leave a scar?

2. Is it right to guilt your players for their choices?

3. A player wants to scrap their current character and play a new one. Do you kill them off? If so, how do you go about it? If not, how do you reconcile this in the story?


Noteworthy Links:

Dane Cook, a stand-up comedian popular in the 2000s

Portal 2, a co-operative puzzle game

Spec Ops: The Line

The Thing, a horror movie from 1982

Foundry, a virtual tabletop

Would You Like To Develop an App?

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Episode 193 - November Is Here

Welcome back, everyone! Halloween has come and gone and now we're getting close to the end of the year. This week we're discussing the right amount of preparation for brand-new players, as well as some ideas for how to handle an obstacle that could be easily overcome by low-level magic like Comprehend Languages.

And this week's winner of our giveaway for Crit Academy's Unearthed Tips & Tricks: Volume II is Shawn M! Congratulations, Shawn! Be sure to leave Crit Academy a review, so they can keep on making great products! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products in the future.

Would YOU like a chance to win a copy of Unearthed Tips & Tricks Volume II? It's a great book (that I helped write!) and all you have to do to win is enter our drawing by sending us an e-mail with "Unearthed Tips & Tricks 2" in the subject line. (Gotta have that 2 in there though!) It's that easy!

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and Ignorance, and the (unfortunately ended) D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's LairJeff Stevens, and The Kind GM!

Now, we need to go get next week's episode ready, so see you then!

Episode 193: Divination and Preparation

RSS Feed Link


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. When teaching D&D to someone with no gaming experience whatsoever, should one prepare sample characters beforehand?

2. Should spells like Comprehend Languages and Identify always work, even when dealing with ancient or alien languages and magic?


Noteworthy Links:


Encounter This

Nystul's Magic Aura

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

Elves Cause Cancer

Farscape swears

Battlestar Galactica Frak

Firefly language

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Episode 192: HALLOWEEN 2020

It's that time of year again: Halloween! We've got a great horror-themed episode for you this week- we talk about horror subgenres, and the considerations of running a horror game with a player that doesn't like horror. (I also brought in a magic item from a popular horror series I've been watching lately!) So put on your costumes and light up a jack-o-lantern, and scare the ghosts away with this week's episode!

And this week's winner of our giveaway for Crit Academy's Unearthed Tips & Tricks: Volume II is Travis B! Congratulations, Travis! Be sure to leave Crit Academy a review, so they can keep on making great products! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products in the future.

Would YOU like a chance to win a copy of Unearthed Tips & Tricks Volume II? It's a great book (that I helped write!) and all you have to do to win is enter our drawing by sending us an e-mail with "Unearthed Tips & Tricks 2" in the subject line. (Gotta have that 2 in there though!) It's that easy!

Also, today we announce our fourth and final winner of our October-only giveaway of Strahd's Manual of Shadow, courtesy of listener Seawood Scribe- and that winner is Jason P! Congratulations, Jason!  As with our other giveaways, please be sure to leave a review for this product on DM's Guild. More reviews means more attention and better quality products!

And that marks the end of this giveaway, so a huge thank-you to Seawood Scribe for this great opportunity. And for everyone who didn't win- you can always go purchase this great supplement on DM's Guild!

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and Ignorance, and the (unfortunately ended) D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's LairJeff Stevens, and The Kind GM!

....Wait, did you hear that noise?

Episode 192: Identifying Horror

RSS Feed Link


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. What are the different genres of horror and how do I incorporate them into your games?

2. Not all players like horror. Is it possible to run (or play in) a horror game while still catering to a dislike for horror?


Noteworthy Links:

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Episode 191: The Politically Character Episode

Hey everyone! This week we dip our toes into a controversial topic- we discuss the changes that Wizards of the Coast has announced for races, stat adjustments, and alignment. Some would consider this a political issue, some wouldn't, but we're giving our viewpoints on how it affects the game as players and DMs.

And this week's winner of our giveaway for Crit Academy's Unearthed Tips & Tricks: Volume II is Michael R! Congratulations, Michael! Be sure to leave Crit Academy a review, so they can keep on making great products! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products in the future.

Would YOU like a chance to win a copy of Unearthed Tips & Tricks Volume II? It's a great book (that I helped write!) and all you have to do to win is enter our drawing by sending us an e-mail with "Unearthed Tips & Tricks 2" in the subject line. (Gotta have that 2 in there though!) It's that easy!

Also, today we announce our third winner of our October-only giveaway of Strahd's Manual of Shadow, courtesy of listener Seawood Scribe- and that winner is... also Michael R! Congratulations, Michael! (What are the odds of that?) As with our other giveaways, please be sure to leave a review for this product on DM's Guild. More reviews means more attention and better quality products!

If you want to win a copy of this spooky supplement, time is running short! Send us an e-mail with "Strahd's Manual of Shadow" (or something close to it) and we'll give out one free copy each week in October!

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and Ignorance, and the (unfortunately ended) D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's LairJeff Stevens, and The Kind GM!

Now go out and make some characters!

Episode 191: PC PCs

RSS Feed Link


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. What should I do if I don't like the changes WotC is making to races and alignment?


Noteworthy Links:

Halloween series

Hellraiser series

Death Note, a Japanese series following a cat-and-mouse game involving a magical notebook

The Machine, a device from The Princess Bride

The Boys, an Amazon Prime series based on a graphic novel about a world where superheroes are privatized and aren't held accountable for their actions

Harvest Moon

Dr. Girlfriend from Venture Bros


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Episode 190: World of Dawns

Welcome back, and I hope your month has been spooOOooOOky! This week we're talking about a world creation game called Dawn of Worlds- we played it recently (and had a BLAST) and we're discussing how to turn the world we created into a campaign setting for an upcoming campaign!

And this week's winner of our giveaway for Crit Academy's Unearthed Tips & Tricks: Volume II is Karl L! Congratulations, Karl! Be sure to leave Crit Academy a review, so they can keep on making great products! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products in the future.

Would YOU like a chance to win a copy of Unearthed Tips & Tricks Volume II? It's a great book (that I helped write!) and all you have to do to win is enter our drawing by sending us an e-mail with "Unearthed Tips & Tricks 2" in the subject line. (Gotta have that 2 in there though!) It's that easy!

Also, today we announce our second winner of our October-only giveaway of Strahd's Manual of Shadow, courtesy of listener Seawood Scribe- and that winner is Doug A! Congratulations, Doug! As with our other giveaways, please be sure to leave a review for this product on DM's Guild. More reviews means more attention and better quality products!

If you want to win a copy of this spooky supplement, time is running short! Send us an e-mail with "Strahd's Manual of Shadow" (or something close to it) and we'll give out one free copy each week in October!

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and Ignorance, and the (unfortunately ended) D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's LairJeff Stevens, and The Kind GM!

The dawn is rising on a new world, so get out there and enjoy it!

Episode 190: Abiogenesis

RSS Feed Link


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. Have you ever played a world building game such as Dawn of Worlds or Microscope and used the result for DnD (or other ttrpgs) afterwards? If yes: how did it go? If no: would you consider doing so for a future campaign?


Noteworthy Links:

Miro.com, a virtual whiteboard we used for Dawn of Worlds

Nords, a race of humans from the Elder Scrolls series

Wonderdraft, a map creation software Jeff has been using

Kung Fu Hustle, a Wuxia-style action/comedy film from Stephen Chow

Extra-Life, a gaming-based charity event coming up

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Episode 189: Ursine Edition

Hello everyone! This week we talk about how to know when to give out magic items, how to integrate player backstories into a pre-written adventure, and some bear-related shenanigans too!

And this week's winner of our giveaway for Crit Academy's Unearthed Tips & Tricks: Volume II is David J! Congratulations, David! Be sure to leave Crit Academy a review, so they can keep on making great products! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products in the future.

Would YOU like a chance to win a copy of Unearthed Tips & Tricks Volume II? It's a great book (that I helped write!) and all you have to do to win is enter our drawing by sending us an e-mail with "Unearthed Tips & Tricks 2" in the subject line. (Gotta have that 2 in there though!) It's that easy!

Also, today marks the first winner of our October-only giveaway of Strahd's Manual of Shadow, courtesy of listener Seawood Scribe- and that winner is Jeff R! Congratulations, Jeff! As with our other giveaway, please be sure to leave a review for this product on DM's Guild. More reviews means more attention and better quality products!

If you want to win a copy of this spooky supplement, time is running short! Send us an e-mail with "Strahd's Manual of Shadow" (or something close to it) and we'll give out one free copy each week in October!

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and Ignorance, and the (unfortunately ended) D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's LairJeff Stevens, and The Kind GM!

Be safe- it's getting pretty hairy out there!

Episode 189: Ready or Not

RSS Feed Link


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. How do you know what level is appropriate for certain magic items?

2. How do you integrate player backstories into a preplanned plot like a module? Is it necessary to do so?


Noteworthy Links:

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Episode 188: Job Advice

Let's be honest: Haven't we all daydreamed about adding our tabletop RPG skills to a resume or CV? I know I have. But what would you actually write? And do you think it would work? We discuss that (and more) on this week's episode, so come along to a listen!

And this week's winner of our giveaway for Crit Academy's Unearthed Tips & Tricks: Volume II is H Tank! Congratulations, H Tank! Be sure to leave Crit Academy a review, so they can keep on making great products! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products in the future.

Would YOU like a chance to win a copy of Unearthed Tips & Tricks Volume II? It's a great book (that I helped write!) and all you have to do to win is enter our drawing by sending us an e-mail with "Unearthed Tips & Tricks 2" in the subject line. (Gotta have that 2 in there though!) It's that easy!

Also- we have another, October-only giveaway to announce as well! If you'd like to win a copy of Strahd's Manual of Shadow, listener Seawood Scribe's horror-themed supplement, now's your time to do so! Send us an e-mail with "Strahd's Manual of Shadow" (or something close to it) and we'll give out one free copy each week in October!

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and Ignorance, and the (unfortunately ended) D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's LairJeff Stevens, and The Kind GM!

See you next time, during the spooOOookiest month of the year!

Episode 188: Closing the Deal

RSS Feed Link


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. If you were to incorporate your skills as a DM/GM or cooperative style player on your resume/CV, how would you do it?

2. How does the Periapt of Wound Closure work with environmental conditions such as drowning, dehydration or starvation?


Noteworthy Links:

No One Can Know About This, a Final Fantasy Let's Play podcast

Strahd's Manual of Shadow, a new supplement from Seawood Scribe that we're giving away for FREE!

Munchkin, a fantasy-themed card game

The Red Box, one of the first D&D rulebooks

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Episode 187: Magic School 101

Have you ever wanted to run a tabletop game set in a magic school, like Hogwarts? So have we! (Hasn't everyone?) This week we go in-depth talking about how to do that, what things to avoid, and how to make it fun. We throw out a lot of ideas in this episode, so you're sure to find something you like!

And this week's winner of our giveaway for Crit Academy's Unearthed Tips & Tricks: Volume II is Doug A! Congratulations, Doug! Be sure to leave Crit Academy a review, so they can keep on making great products! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products in the future.

Would YOU like a chance to win a copy of Unearthed Tips & Tricks Volume II? It's a great book (that I helped write!) and all you have to do to win is enter our drawing by sending us an e-mail with "Unearthed Tips & Tricks 2" in the subject line. (Gotta have that 2 in there though!) It's that easy!

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and Ignorance, and the (unfortunately ended) D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's LairJeff Stevens, and The Kind GM!

Catch you in class next week!

Episode 187: Educationmancy

RSS Feed Link


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. What are some tips for running a game where the PCs are students in a magic school?


Noteworthy Links:

If Shoe Fits, Wear It- I said this expression in the episode, intentionally leaving out the article "the" (If THE shoe fits, wear it"). This wasn't a mistake, I was making an incredibly obscure reference to a quote from Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

Tom Riddle's Diary, a magical artifact from the Harry Potter series that absorbs ink and knowledge

Percy Jackson, a young adult novel series about greek demigods in modern times

Larry Elmore (and others)

Lego castle from Discord

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Episode 186: The Gabe-Jeff Effect

Hello everyone! We're here with another great episode- and this time, we're talking about the Matt Mercer Effect- that is, when new players get into D&D after listening or watching a popular program such as Critical Role, and then get disappointed when the game fails to live up to their expectations. Is it a problem? Is there a way to fix it? We try and tackle this topic (and more) on this week's episode, so give us a listen!

And the inaugural winner of our giveaway for Crit Academy's Unearthed Tips & Tricks: Volume II is Dustun F! Congratulations, Dustun! Be sure to leave Crit Academy a review, so they can keep on making great products! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products in the future.

Would YOU like a chance to win a copy of Unearthed Tips & Tricks Volume II? It's a great book (that I helped write!) and all you have to do to win is enter our drawing by sending us an e-mail with "Unearthed Tips & Tricks 2" in the subject line. (Gotta have that 2 in there though!) It's that easy!

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and Ignorance, and the (unfortunately ended) D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's LairJeff Stevens, and The Kind GM!

See you next time, at high noon (or close to it)!

Episode 186: Keeping the Right Expectations

RSS Feed Link


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. What are your thoughts on the "Matt Mercer effect"? Is it real? If so, is it a problem?


Noteworthy Links:

Monkey Island

Bar Stool, a magic item I made a while back

Episode 151: Everyone Should Start Here, an episode that we always direct new listeners to

Critical Role, a popular D&D-based webseries/podcast hosted by Matt Mercer

Nerf Herder, a rock band that (in Jeff's opinion) is not deserving of their name

It's High Noon

Harmon Quest, a live D&D show created by Dan Harmon

Multiple Man, a Marvel superhero that makes duplicates of himself

The Symbiote, a character guide from Crit Academy

Extra Life, a video game-focused charity stream that Jeff will be participating in this year

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Episode 185: The Rorschach Test of Podcasts

Welcome back! This week, we spend half an hour reminiscing about some of our formative memories from playing D&D, as we dabble in a bit of word association. Come along with us, for a trip down memory lane!

And the final winner of our giveaway for Crit Academy's Unearthed Tips & Tricks: Volume I is Alistar the Minotaur! Congratulations, Alistar! You should get your copy within the next few days. Whenever you have a chance to read it over, be sure to leave Crit Academy a review! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products.

But now that we're done giving away Volume I, it's your chance to win a copy of Volume II! It's another great book (that I helped write!) and all you have to do to win is enter our drawing by sending us an e-mail with "Unearthed Tips & Tricks 2" in the subject line. (Gotta have that 2 in there though!) It's that easy!

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and Ignorance, and the (unfortunately ended) D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's LairJeff Stevens, and The Kind GM!

Catch us next time, when we'll make new memories (and you will too)!

Episode 185: A Word Association

RSS Feed Link


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. When you think of D&D, what exactly do you think of? A specific edition? Pre-written adventures? TSR? WotC? All of the above? Or something else?


Noteworthy Links:

Curse of the Azure Bonds, a computer game that I played in my formative D&D years

Official Class-Specific 3e Character Sheets (I didn't want to link to each and every one, but if you scroll down they're in the 3e section)

The Red Dragon from TSR (Note: That image is one of many that you can find on this page here, and all of them give me a hit of nostalgia)

Mazes & Monsters, a over-dramatized film meant to illustrate the dangers of D&D (that link is for the full movie on Youtube; watch it if you must)

D&D Miniatures, a separate game made by WotC specifically for their line of pre-painted miniatures

The Ballad of Garg and Moonslicer, our dramatic reading of the popular fan story

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Episode 184: Turn, Turn, Turn

 This week, we talk about transitions- transitioning between quarantine and the real world, from one campaign (and group) to another, and from one season to another. We're also announcing a new weekly giveaway, so be sure to listen!

And we're starting to wrap up our giveaway for Crit Academy's Unearthed Tips & Tricks, but this week's winner is Andrew H! Congratulations, Andrew! You should get your copy within the next few days. Whenever you have a chance to read it over, be sure to leave Crit Academy a review! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products.

Would you like to enter the drawing? It's easy- just e-mail us at InterPartyConflict@gmail.com with "Unearthed Tips & Tricks" in the subject line! It's that easy, but time is running out! Listen to this episode for instructions on how to enter our next drawing as well!

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and Ignorance, and the (unfortunately ended) D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's LairJeff Stevens, and The Kind GM!

Catch us next time, if we haven't kicked that episode out!

Episode 184: The Times, They Are a-Changin'

RSS Feed Link


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. How has Covid-19 affected your gaming habits, and when things are back to "normal", what will your future gaming be like?

2. I am finishing one campaign and starting another. Several players have come to me and requested that I not invite back one player in particular. What should I do?

3. How do you recommend making seasons and weather more important in a game, beyond just difficult terrain and disadvantage on checks?


Noteworthy Links:

Made a Wrong Turn at Albuquerque (Obligatory TVTropes Warning)

Mirror of Erised, a magical artifact from the Harry Potter series

Foundry, a virtual tabletop program

Zoom, a popular video conferencing app

The Batman trailer

Friday, August 28, 2020

Episode 183: A Dustun-Heavy Episode

 Welcome back everyone! This week our topics include advantage & proficiency (two basic mechanics in 5th Edition D&D that make your rolls more accurate), as well as the scroll mishap table in the DMG. I think we come to some pretty fun discussion in this one, but some of you are probably even more excited to hear the winner of our Deck of Many Things/Deck of Illusions drawing! Well, the winner is...

(drumroll please)

...Dustun F! Congratulations, Dustun! 

This drawing was a lot of fun and had a great response, so I think we'll do more of these in the future. (If you already left us a review you don't need to leave another one, but I will most likely require you to write in again just to re-enter the next drawing. I'll hammer out the details later.) Thanks to everyone who left us a review!

Now, back to our usual drawing- this week's winner of our Unearthed Tips & Tricks drawing is OhGodItsMason! Congratulations, Mason! You should get your copy within the next few days. Whenever you have a chance to read it over, be sure to leave Crit Academy a review! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products.

Would you like to enter the drawing? It's easy- just e-mail us at InterPartyConflict@gmail.com with "Unearthed Tips & Tricks" in the subject line! It's that easy! And remember- this is our second giveaway, so if you won one of our earlier drawings, you can enter again!

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and Ignorance, and the (unfortunately ended) D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's LairJeff Stevens, and The Kind GM!

See you next week, and stay safe out there!

Episode 183: Scrolling and Rolling

RSS Feed Link


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. Which is more powerful, having proficiency in something or having advantage on a skill/save?

2. Have any of you used the DMG’s Scroll Mishap table or anything similar?


Noteworthy Links:

Pasties, a local food from Michigan

Gyroscope thing from Contact

SCP Wiki

Pathfinder 2e

Crit Academy episode we guested on

City of the Spider Queen


Lost Mines of Phandelver

Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Episode 182: One More Week For The Giveaway!

Hey, everyone! This week, we talk about when a player comes up with a powerful combo that wrecks shop- and whether you should allow it, ban it, or beat them down with immunities.

Also, there's only one more week until we draw the winner for Cultzilla's Deck of Many Things & Deck of Illusions! All you have to do to enter is 1. Leave us a review on the podcasting platform of your choice, and 2. Send us a photo of the review. It's that easy! So go do it, right now! Your time is almost up!

Now, back to our usual drawing- this week's winner of our Unearthed Tips & Tricks drawing is Philip D! Congratulations, Philip! You should get your copy within the next few days. Whenever you have a chance to read it over, be sure to leave Crit Academy a review! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products.

Would you like to enter the drawing? It's easy- just e-mail us at InterPartyConflict@gmail.com with "Unearthed Tips & Tricks" in the subject line! It's that easy! And remember- this is our second giveaway, so if you won one of our earlier drawings, you can enter again!

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and Ignorance, and the (unfortunately ended) D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's LairJeff Stevens, and The Kind GM!

See you next time, when we announce the name of one lucky winner!

Episode 182: Innovation and Punishment

RSS Feed Link


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. Let's say a player builds a very effective character that is designed around spamming one ability or spell. What should the DM do? Allow it? Counter it? Or outright ban it?


Noteworthy Links:

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Episode 181: We Turned Around, Now What?

Hey everyone! This week we're talking about a couple things I've dealt with in the past- deciding whether to reveal plot threads from a prematurely-ended campaign, and what materials to allow in an impromptu D&D game. This episodes a bit of a shorter one, but hopefully you won't hold that against us!

We also wanted to direct all of you to Crit Academy's Kickstarter campaign for their new book, Memorable Monsters! The campaign has been doing great in its first week and I have nothing but faith in them that they'll produce a great product everyone can be proud of. So go check it out!

Also, there's two more weeks until we draw the winner for Cultzilla's Deck of Many Things & Deck of Illusions! All you have to do to enter is 1. Leave us a review on the podcasting platform of your choice, and 2. Send us a photo of the review. It's that easy! So go do it, right now!

Now, back to our usual drawing- this week's winner of our Unearthed Tips & Tricks drawing is H Tank! Congratulations, H Tank! You should get your copy within the next few days. Whenever you have a chance to read it over, be sure to leave Crit Academy a review! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products.

Would you like to enter the drawing? It's easy- just e-mail us at InterPartyConflict@gmail.com with "Unearthed Tips & Tricks" in the subject line! It's that easy! And remember- this is our second giveaway, so if you won one of our earlier drawings, you can enter again!

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and Ignorance, and the (unfortunately ended) D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's LairJeff Stevens, and The Kind GM!

Catch us next time when we've got more great goofs & gaffs!

Episode 181: Making the Right Decision

RSS Feed Link


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. Say you've got a grand campaign story with twists and turns involving a particular player character. Now, imagine that player leaves the game or the group disbands. Do you tell them what you had planned?

2. Let's say somebody calls you up and asks you to DM a game for them. With no additional information about the group, what sources do you allow?


Noteworthy Links:

Pathfinder 2e

The Pick of Destiny

Sting, a weapon from Lord of the Rings that glows in the presence of orcs

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

d20 Mug

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Episode 180: Turn Right Back Around

Welcome back, everyone! This week we celebrate (?) our 180th episode by talking about ye olde 5-foot step, maintaining momentum in a long-running game, and reworking your expectations. We're also continuing out giveaway for the Deck of Many Things and Deck of Illusions, so leave us a review on the podcatcher of your choice, and send us a photo to be entered! The winner will be chosen on August 25th, so get in your review by then!

Good luck!

Now, back to our usual drawing- this week's winner of our Unearthed Tips & Tricks drawing is Elliot M! Congratulations, Elliot! You should get your copy within the next few days. Whenever you have a chance to read it over, be sure to leave Crit Academy a review! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products.

Would you like to enter the drawing? It's easy- just e-mail us at InterPartyConflict@gmail.com with "Unearthed Tips & Tricks" in the subject line! It's that easy! And remember- this is our second giveaway, so if you won one of our earlier drawings, you can enter again!

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and Ignorance, and the (unfortunately ended) D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's LairJeff Stevens, and The Kind GM!

See you next time, unless there's a big gap between episodes!

Episode 180: U-Turn

RSS Feed Link


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. If you could bring back the 5 ft Step, would you?

2. How do you rebuild momentum and excitement in your game when there's a big gap between sessions?

3. Have you ever called a Session Zero after starting a campaign to reassess and realign the group’s style of play or expectations?


Noteworthy Links:

Everfull Purse, an artifact from the Epic Level Handbook

The Room of Spirit and Time from Dragonball Z (aka the Hyperbolic Time Chamber)

Kitchen Nightmares, a reality show where Gordon Ramsey tries to help failing restaurants

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Episode 179: Podcast In Disguise

Hey everyone! We're back with another rant-filled (sort of) episode this week, all for you! We cover fitting a character into a world when they don't really match the tone of the campaign, and also whether or not it's possible to play D&D "wrong". (Those may or may not be related.)

Plus, we're starting an exciting giveaway today! (This is in addition to our usual giveaway- but for an update on that, check with us in a few weeks!) We're giving away a physical copy of the Deck of Many Things & Deck of Illusions, donated by a wonderful fan who chose to remain anonymous. We'll be drawing a winner on August 25th, so wouldn't you like to know how to enter? It's easy!


That's it. Leave us a review on the Podcatcher of your choice- Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Podcast Addict, whatever. If it lets you leave a review for podcasts, leave one there, and send us a photo of your review. (If you've already left us a review, then you're halfway done! Just send us a photo and you'll be entered.) If you can't figure out how to leave us a review, let me know and I'll help you figure it out!

Good luck!

Now, back to our usual drawing- this week's winner of our Unearthed Tips & Tricks drawing is Andy K! Congratulations, Andy! You should get your copy within the next few days. Whenever you have a chance to read it over, be sure to leave Crit Academy a review! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products.

Would you like to enter the drawing? It's easy- just e-mail us at InterPartyConflict@gmail.com with "Unearthed Tips & Tricks" in the subject line! It's that easy! And remember- this is our second giveaway, so if you won one of our earlier drawings, you can enter again!

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and Ignorance, and the (unfortunately ended) D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's LairJeff Stevens, and The Kind GM!

Also- Crit Academy's new product, Unearthed Tips & Tricks: Volume II, is available for purchase! It's a great product and you should go check it out right now!!!

Have a great week!

Episode 179: Out of Place

RSS Feed Link


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. How would you deal with a player who's character is completely out of tone/theme of the campaign/world and insists that you add bits of their story to the world?

2. Is there a "wrong" way to play D&D?


Noteworthy Links:

The Neuralyzer, a technological device the Men in Black use to erase people's immediate memory

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, a movie by Michel Gondry about memory and relationships

Doctor Whom

Deck of Many ThingsDeck of Illusions, two magical items from D&D


Kanye the Giant, a Key & Peele sketch Jeff and I discussed in a bit that ultimatrely got cut from the episode

Ninja- a streamer apparently

The Film Reroll, an Actual Play podcast where they turn movies into roleplaying games

The Adventure Zone

Willow, a fantasy movie by George Lucas starring Warwick Davis

The Princess Bride

3D Printed Stein for a normal-sized can

Age of Worms mug I painted, minus the handle and plus a stuffed mouse and Captain America watching for good measure

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Episode 178: Eating Tomatoes Edition

Welcome back, everyone! This week we have another grab bag of sorts, topic-wise- we talk about playing D&D without a GM, we try to justify some moral grey areas, and I give my take on the difference between two ability scores. If you feel differently, leave your thoughts below!

This week's winner of our Unearthed Tips & Tricks drawing is David E! Congratulations, David! You should get your copy within the next few days. Whenever you have a chance to read it over, be sure to leave Crit Academy a review! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products.

Would you like to enter the drawing? It's easy- just e-mail us at InterPartyConflict@gmail.com with "Unearthed Tips & Tricks" in the subject line! It's that easy! And remember- this is our second giveaway, so if you won one of our earlier drawings, you can enter again!

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and Ignorance, and the (unfortunately ended) D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's LairJeff Stevens, and The Kind GM!

Also- Crit Academy's new product, Unearthed Tips & Tricks: Volume II, is available for purchase! It's a great product and you should go check it out right now!!!

Have a great week, and go enjoy a steak (or don't)!

Episode 178: You Can Figure It Out

RSS Feed Link


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. Do you have any experience converting D&D to be a GM-less game?

2. In a world where magic exists that lets you Speak with Animals, is eating animals or using them for labor morally justifiable?

3. How do you explain the difference between Intelligence and Wisdom?


Noteworthy Links:

Single-serving lemonade

Anti-helium, a common name for Sulfur Hexafluoride

Dark Souls board game

List of GM-less RPGs

Knights of Pen and Paper

Do They Eat Pokemon?

Bojack Horseman, a Netflix-produced animated show where all animals are anthropomorphized humanoids

Iron Chef, a cooking game show from the 90s

D&D Stats Explained Using a Tomato

Time Turner

One Does Not Simply Walk Into Mordor