Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Blog Post for Episode 37

Hello ,everyone! It's that time again- another week, another episode of Inter-Party Conflict. Big thanks to everyone who's submitted questions, dragon's hoard items, everything- we really appreciate it! We wouldn't have a podcast without you. I mean, we could just sit here and talk about whatever, but nobody would want to listen to that.


In this episode we talk about going crazy, going to war, and going after someone on foot. All kinds of going, it's crazy. What am I going on about? Who cares!

If you get a chance, check out Audibletrial.com/Conflict. Get yourself a free audiobook and get us some free money. Also, go to CritAcademy.com! Justin and the other guys over there are working hard to provide you all with new and reusable content. So sharpen those spells and prepare those swords! Or... something like that!

Episode 37 - Never Rush Into War

RSS Feed Link


Questions answered this episode:

1. What's your opinion on and how would you handle having a war going on in your campaign?

2. How do you go about dealing with chases in your campaign?  Do you use the rules on page 252 of the 5e DMG, or do you homebrew it, improv it, or maybe even use a skill challenge? Maybe you use a little bit of each?


Noteworthy links:

Red Hand of Doom, a 3.5 D&D adventure that used war as a backdrop (somehow)

Correlya, an RPG made by a guy I played D&D with a long time ago

The Princess Bride, one of the best movies of all time, hands-down

That scene in Advent Children when everyone works together to throw Cloud upward (the link here is in Japanese with no subtitles, but if you haven't seen the movie don't worry, the dialogue is garbage anyway)

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Episode 36- The Stolen Episode

Welcome back, everyone! This episode (so dubiously introduced by Jeff) was a lot of fun to make. We discuss scripted failures, hurting someone you meant to heal, and how I am terrible at character creation. Also, Jeff has an email address for Friend Quest! Email game suggestions to him at TheFriendQuest@gmail.com.

Thanks for listening, and remember to submit some questions for us! And Dragon's Hoard items. We love those too. And if you have time, check us out on iTunes- leave us a rating and a review. And while you're at it, check out Crit Academy too.

Episode 36 - Agency of Players

RSS Feed Link


Questions answered this episode:

1. What are some tips on running a battle the players are meant to lose or cannot win for story purposes?

2. DM screens. What's your opinion on them? Also, when should the DM roll out in the open and when/how should you keep certain rolls secret?

3. Rolling Stats vs. Point Buy. Or, how do you make the most of playing a low-stat character, especially when another player has higher stats?


Noteworthy links:

The Darkest Dungeon

Final Fantasy II's unwinnable battle

Dark Souls' unwinnable battle

Hearty Dice Friends

Monster Hunter series

Passive Perception


This week's Audible Pick:

The Dragonlance series by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Episode 35 (with a free live episode too!)

Hello, Inter-Party Conflicters! (Is that a thing? That sounds terrible if so.)

This was an eventful week for our podcast. Between this week's release and the last, we also released a bonus recording of our live episode, Anatomy of a Podcast! We recorded at the Garden City Library in Garden City, Michigan. (Not Garden City, New York. Sorry guys.) So if you're interested in hearing what it takes to make a podcast, or just want to see the perspective of a podcaster, go check that episode out! (And if you have any questions we didn't answer, e-mail use at InterPartyConflict@gmail.com. We most likely won't do another live episode anytime soon but I'd be happy to answer any you may have.)

Live Episode 01 - Anatomy of a Podcast

As for our normal episodes, this week's episode ran a little short but hopefully that's not a problem. We talk all about creating a pantheon for your own campaign world, something that's a ton of work and waaaay more involved than you think it will be. Special thanks to the guys over at Crit Academy, for creating the great CritNation Fellowship! Check them out whenever you can.

I hope you guys had a great week, and see you again soon!

Episode 35 - Establishing a Pantheon

RSS Feed Link


Question answered this episode:

1. How do you go about creating a pantheon?


Noteworthy links:

Dagorhir, a game of fantasy foam swordfighting

Picture of my Dragon's Hoard

Mystery Men

My Wikidot page about the gods in my campaign

The Great Grey Wolf Sif and Knight Artorias, two bosses from Dark Souls

God of War

Click Here for your daily dose of truth


This week's Audible Pick:

A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Episode 34: With a Vengeance

Hey, everyone!

In this week's episode we talk about cutting off people's heads, surrounding yourself with people who just get in the way, and the competition you have to fight in order to play a game. I hope you're all doing well, and I hope you enjoy this episode!

As always, let me remind you to check out our compatriates over at Crit Academy. Also, if you enjoy listening to audiobooks, go to Audibletrial.com/Conflict for a free audiobook!

Episode 34 - Mic Money, Mic Problems

RSS Feed Link


Questions answered this episode:

1. Called shots in 5e, should I include them, and, if so, how should they work?

2. Why do you think so many gaming groups have issues with showing up on time?


Noteworthy links:

Tim & Eric's Bedtime Stories- the show I mentioned. Oddly enough, the episode I referenced ("Hole") isn't available to watch. :-/

Hot Fuzz, an amazing movie and part of the Cornetty Trilogy

Cedar Point, an amusement park in Sandusky, Ohio


This week's Audible Pick:

Empire of Imagination: Gary Gygax and the Birth of Dungeons & Dragons by Michael Witwer