This week's episode deals with fudging dice, paintings of dragons, tieflings that aren't demons and breaking ribs because the DM told you so. Give us a listen, tell your friends about us, and if you have any questions for future episodes or items for the Dragon's Hoard, submit them to!
Episode 25 - How to Fudge Dice and Influence People
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Questions answered this episode:
1. Should the DM fudge dice rolls, and if so, when is it appropriate?
2. How do you address a DM who you feel has ruined an encounter by not so discreetly fudging rolls?
3. Are there any elements of D&D that you don't think fit into the setting?
4. What are your thoughts on the DM tracking [player] hit points and not relaying numbers to the players, but instead relying on vivid descriptions?
Noteworthy links:
The Black Egg, a deadly adventure mentioned in this episode
Farscape, my favorite TV show
The Frellcast, an amazing Farscape podcast
The Werecar from Futurama
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