Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Episode 25- we've been doing this for half a year!

I forgot to mention it while we were recording, but this week's episode marks the 6 month point from when we started. Six months! Half of a year! The time flies when you're having fun (and, incidentally, it flies when you're editing a podcast twice because Audacity crashed; time flying isn't a good thing when you have to get up early the next morning). So wherever you are reading this or listening to the episode, kick back and enjoy a can of RC Cola and celebrate the half-anniversary of what I hope is your favorite tabletop gaming advice podcast.

This week's episode deals with fudging dice, paintings of dragons, tieflings that aren't demons and breaking ribs because the DM told you so. Give us a listen, tell your friends about us, and if you have any questions for future episodes or items for the Dragon's Hoard, submit them to InterPartyConflict@gmail.com!

Episode 25 - How to Fudge Dice and Influence People

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Questions answered this episode:

1. Should the DM fudge dice rolls, and if so, when is it appropriate?

2. How do you address a DM who you feel has ruined an encounter by not so discreetly fudging rolls?

3. Are there any elements of D&D that you don't think fit into the setting?

4. What are your thoughts on the DM tracking [player] hit points and not relaying numbers to the players, but instead relying on vivid descriptions?


Noteworthy links:

The Black Egg, a deadly adventure mentioned in this episode

Farscape, my favorite TV show

The Frellcast, an amazing Farscape podcast

The Werecar from Futurama

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