Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Story Time on episode 31

Hey, everybody! This was an interesting episode to record- we only answer one question but answering it involved going into a topic I don't talk about much. Let this discussion be a lesson that sometimes the worst inter-party conflict happens long after the game is over. Also, I want to encourage all of you to take that project you've been putting off, that you've been finding excuses not to work on it, and go work on it right now! Don't worry about what other people are doing or thinking. If you're passionate about something you'll make it work.

Once again I want to remind you all to check out Audibletrial.com/Conflict for a free month trial and a free audiobook. And, as always, rate/review/subscribe/tell a friend!

Episode 31 - Extracurricular Creation

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Question answered this episode:

1. How/where do you find inspiration for creating content? How should I borrow from other sources without being accused of simply stealing stuff?


Noteworthy links:

Last of the King's Men, the D&D-based fantasy novel I spent two years writing

University of Phoenix, an institute Jeff and I criticized


This week's Audible Picks:

The Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling

The Finder's Stone Trilogy by Kate Novak & Jeff Grubb

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