Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Episode 230: Por que no los tres?

Hey everyone! This week we're back with another great episode, and this time, we've got a very special guest, our good friend Dave! He's with us to talk about a project he's working on- a tabletop RPG campaign that utilizes real-world languages to communicate. I think it's a fantastic idea, so come along with us to hear all about it- and share your thoughts below!

And this week's winner of our Crit 3 drawing is Patrick N! Congratulations, Patrick! Be sure to leave Crit Academy a review, so they can keep on making great products! They're a great group and would love to use your feedback to improve their products in the future.

Every week we're going to be giving away this bundle of three new character option supplements from Crit Academy- the Warmind, the Skybreaker, and the Werecat- and all you have to do to enter is send us an e-mail with "Crit 3" in the subject line. It's that easy!

And if you'd like to help support the show and get some great additional content for it, head over to and become a patron! Even a dollar a month gets you some bonus content, and there's lots of cool stuff there for anyone willing to help make the show better.

And remember, Crit Academy is just one of the great podcasts in the Critnation Fellowship! For more podcasts, visit our friends at Brute Force and IgnoranceThe Kind GM, and D&D Character Lab! And for books, adventures, and videos, check out Goblin StoneLoresmythAurican's Lair, and Jeff Stevens!

A la semaine prochaine, si vous me comprenez!

Episode 230: Hello, Bonjour, Hola


Question(s) answered this episode:

1. Have you ever taken part in a game where real-world foreign languages were a part of the setting?

2. Should sign language be usable for verbal components when casting spells?


Noteworthy Links:

WWE Legends Royal Rumble, the wrestling-based card game Dave and I played

World Wide Wrestling, a wrestling-based tabletop RPG

Star Trek Generations

Raising Gamers Facebook Group

Quina Quen, an enigmatic character from Final Fantasy IX

Dr. House

I don't remember what this was in response to but here's a short comic about Mr. Rogers meeting Thor

Red Green

Pirates of the Caribbean

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